Local News

Evangeline Police Jury Considering Moving to Medicaid Building

      The Evangeline Parish Police Jury, in a special meeting Monday, approved renewing its group health insurance plan with the Louisiana Police Jury Association. The plan calls for a 5 percent increase in rates that will be passed on to both the police jury and parish employees. Parish employees will be given the choice  to keep current coverage or choose a new cheaper managed care plan.
     In other business, the police jury voted to look at the possibility of moving out of the courthouse into the parish owned Medicaid Office building on LaSalle street next door to the Health Unit. The jury agreed not to pursue an option to purchase the former Probation and Parole building, across the street from the courthouse at a cost of $300,000.
    The jury based its decision after finding out that the Medicaid program notified the parish that they will not renew their lease with the parish in June. The one person remaining with the program in the parish will move over next door to the Health Unit.
     The jury has requested Parish Engineer Ronnie Landreneau to prepare a cost estimate for such a proposed move.
     The move is being considered to make more room for the District Attorney’s Office in the courthouse. The jury wants to find out how much assistance the District Attorney is willing to provide for the move.
     In another matter, the police jury approved engaging the services of Delta Financial Services to help collect delinquent sewer bills. The firm proposes to attempt to collect past due bills at a fee of 30 percent.
      In other action, the police jury by a 4-3 vote turned down a proposal by Police Juror Richard Thomas to remove a $2 an hour pay raise given to a parish employee. The employee, Freeman Celestine, was given the increase last year in connection with his duties. Thomas said the duties were removed later but he is still collecting the additional pay.
     Also, the police jury turned down two damage claims.

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