Local News

Evangeline Police Jury Considers Leasing Sewer Systems


Ville Platte-     The Evangeline Parish Police Jury Monday heard from Thomas Drew with Wastewater Treatment Systems and Operation on his proposal to take over operation of the five  parish owned sewer treatment systems.

                          Drew said he is proposing a long term lease with the parish to take over the operation, maintenance and liability of its sewer systems.  Currently, customers in Evangeline Parish are paying $15 a month while Drew’s rates are $25 a month company wide.  Rates would increase to the company rate should the lease proposal be approved.  Once the rate increased to the $25 rate, it could only increase again with approval from the parish.

                            The police jury operates and maintains sewer systems in Vidrine, Reddell, Doucet subdivision north of Ville Platte, Dupre Subdivision east of Ville Platte and another subdivision south of Ville Platte. The matter was referred to the sewer committee to review the proposal.

                            In another matter, the police jury discussed having an updated standard for accepting roads into its road system. Currently, the parish planning commission has authority in setting minimum standards for subdivision streets. The parish referred to its road and bridge committee a proposal to use the same minimum standards that the parish planning commission uses to determine whether the parish can accept a new parish road into the parish road system.

                         Also, the police jury approved a request from County Agent Keith Fontenot to hire Shella Fruge as a part time police jury secretary to work as a 4-H secretary. Fontenot reported that the LSU Extension Service is reducing personnel and travel. In Evangeline Parish, his office is losing one full time and one part time secretary due to the budget cuts.

                         Fruge is the full time secretary ,who is losing her position with the extension service , who will be employed by the parish at $10 per hour for 24 hours a week  to work as secretary for the  parish 4-H program. The program has 22 4-H programs with 900-1100 students enrolled.

                         Despite the budget cuts, Evangeline Parish was able to maintain two 4-H agents for a small parish like Evangeline Parish because of the fact the  4-H program has been so successful.

                           In other business:

--received news that sales tax collections for the 2 percent sales tax in September brought in $270,353  .

--endorsed a new pilot program suggested by Becky Buller to have the parish work with the City of Ville Platte to encourage businesses to hire additional temporary workers to improve the economy.

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