Local News

Evangeline Police Jury Discusses Chamber Contributions







 Ville Platte-   The Evangeline Parish Police Jury, Monday, discussed its monthly contributions toward the Ville Platte Chamber and Tourism Commission. This is the second such discussion in the past year.

                         District Four Police Juror Lamar Johnson questioned the need to spend $650 a month toward the salary of a person that reads water meters at the Industrial Park.

He suggested having a parish worker handle that responsibility and save the money.

                         Police Juror Bob Manuel said the duties and responsibilities have evolved through the years. When the parish contributions first began more than 30 years ago, the chamber person was responsible for maintaining the Ward One Industrial Park including reading meters and cutting the grass.

                         Currently, the City of Ville Platte provides the building that houses both the Chamber of Commerce and the parish tourism commission. In a cooperative agreement, the parish contributes $650 a month toward the operational expenses for both offices .

                           After much discussion, the police jury approved a motion by Manuel to continue making the monthly contributions and updating what the funds are being used for.

                            In another matter, the police jury reviewed a plan by Cameron Corporation to erect a new security fence along its employee parking lot and having a gate across a new street at the Industrial Park. The street was funded by Cameron and is being maintained by the police jury at the park.

                            Jury legal advisor Marcus Fontenot cautioned the jury that the industry cannot block access to a public road.

                            The jury referred the matter to its road and bridge committee for review.

                            In other action the police jury:

--met as a property tax board of review and heard no complaints from individuals or businesses challenging their parish property tax assessments;

--approved moving a number of voting precincts on Nita Drive behind T&J Ford in Ville Platte because of space problems over to the Veterans home on West Main beginning next year;

--approved the low bid of B&T Fence of $33,125 for a new security fence at Crooked Creek Park;

--approved the low quotes for limestone and culverts and took advisement quotes for its fuel supplier;

--received news that sales tax collection for July were $254,119. That compares to $326,000 in taxes collected in June.

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